
Panorama | TS/CN, Tidiane Cacique aka STACY.O
Panorama is an audiovisual spectacle in 360° format performed by the Parisian duo TS / CN, created by Valentin Fayaud and Nicolas Michel. Series of digital fragments unfolds in complex environments. The hybrid material is created and distorted by the sound that generates immersive and mesmerising digital landscapes.
The project is presented in cooperation with the Institut Francais in Warsaw.

Lux Spectris | Iury Lech
Generatywny performance audiowizualny, hiszpańskiego artysty, jednego z pioniera hiszpańskiej elektroniki i cyfrowej sceny audiowizualnej. Projekt zbudowany z generatywnych i reaktywnych na dźwięk wizualizacjami, które tworzą hipnotyczne widowisko skonstruowanych na wzór wszechświata, gdzie, wszystko składa się z najmniejszych elementów.
The project is presented in cooperation with the Cervantes Institute in Krakow.

Dark Planet | Vartan Markarian, Tidiane Cacique aka STACY.O
Post-apocalyptic audiovisual performance by a Ukrainian-German duo. Artists take the audience into a gloomy dystopian world that stands in opposition to nature and humanity.
The show is a warning and a clear criticism of the Anthropocene, which accelerates the exploitation of resources and assumes the complete destruction of ecosystems that have no economic value. Humanity has assumed the role of a biocenotic aggressor – a new species that adapts and uses its environment to its own needs. The show ends with a cautiously optimistic accent, suggesting the possibility of palingenesis. To this end, we must reconnect with the environment in which we live and find harmony within ourselves as a species and with the whole world.
The visual material was created in virtual reality using the Oculus Quest VR helmet. Spatial views from Poltava, Ukraine, are modified in real time in the Tilt Brush painting program. Tidiane’s electronic musical accompaniment is created on a Prophet ’08 synthesiser.
The project is funded by the Stabilisation Fund by Goethe Institut – an initiative to support cultural and educational organisations in Ukraine, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and Central Asia affected by the impact of the Ukraine war.